Thursday, July 7, 2011

I Believe in the Power of a Seed

I believe in the power of a seed.  The fact that one small seemingly insignificant kernel can fall to the ground as though dead and yet within its shell hold the mysterious elements of life itself.  I believe that one small seed strategically planted can be the very catalyst that produces a crop 30, 60, and 100 times that which was planted.  I believe that one small seed cannot only produce a harvest seen but also a harvest unseen.  I believe that one seed can influence a life today, it can shape a generation to come, and it can change eternity.

You see I believe in the power of a seed because my life has been eternally changed by the seeds planted by others.

The seed of my Heavenly Father’s love that thought of me before the creation of the universe, that knew me before I was born, that knit me together when I was in my mother’s womb.  The seed of my Heavenly Father’s love that died on a cross so that the fruit produced from that cross could cover my sins forever and allow me into the presence of a holy God.  This seed has changed my eternity.

I bare the characteristics of the seed of my earthly father; physical resemblance, personality traits, a quite spirit.  If you knew me, you would not be unfamiliar with my father or grandfather, because I am a product of their seed.  Look deep into my son and you will see a resemblance of me.

My life has been impacted by others who have given of themselves to plant seeds in me.  These seeds planted have been those of encouragement, truth, belief, a positive example to follow, friendship, sacrifice, and true love.  My life is better and will never be the same because of the seeds that others have planted in me. 

I believe in the power of a seed and I believe that one seed can make a difference.  I believe that the purpose of my life is fulfilled and brings glory to my Heavenly Father when I plant seeds in the life of another.  The seed may be a word of encouragement to one in despair, it may be a word of truth when confusion rules.  The seed may be a drink of cool water when life is dry or food on the table when the cabinets are bare.  A seed could be the arms of tender compassion to a hurting one or firm conviction in shifting sand.  The seed may be the Word of God that never returns void and that leads one to cross over from death unto life for all eternity.  I believe that God has called me to sow seeds in the life of others.

I believe that God wants me to plant seeds in the life of my wife, my children, my friends, business associates, those He places in my sphere of influence, a stranger on the street, and one day maybe I will hear my Heavenly Father say well done, the seeds that you planted have produced a 100 fold harvest for eternity and I believe that is worth dying for.